Blog articles

Blog articles

  • January 6, 2021
    Avoid Blaming You can explain the terms of your divorce with your child without being overly critical of your ex-spouse. While this may be difficult to do, especially if the marriage is ending due to the actions of one particular parent, your child will see that there is still a mutual respect between you and...
  • December 15, 2020
    In this blog, our Denver family attorney provides a few valuable tips for families about to go through this new experience for the first time. Keep Your Kids First Arguably your most important challenge during the new holidays is helping your kids become comfortable with their new “normal” holiday celebration. This includes giving them a...
  • October 8, 2020
    Is the relocation permissible? The desire of one parent to move in this way is often objected by the other parent, thus requiring the need to open a relocation dispute case. A standard procedure for these cases was set in 2001 which requires parents with whom a child resides with most of the time and...
  • September 3, 2020
    One question we receive in situations like this: who keeps that lavish engagement ring that Jay spent so much money on? Does Jay have the right to ask for it back? Does Sally have to give it back to him? Who technically owns it? In this instance, the ring is what is designated to be a...
  • June 1, 2020
    The significant advantages of this when it comes to filing a divorce are tremendous. A properly-drafted and fair prenuptial agreement can help significantly cut down on the stressful and difficult litigation processes for things such as money or property. When drafting these agreements while still in love, it’s easy to create a document that is...
  • September 3, 2019
    However, there are ways you too can help your own case proceed better by helping your divorce attorney do their job to the best of their ability. In fact, following these steps will not only make your attorney happier to assist you through your case, but it can even help your case come to a...


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