Allocation & Parental Responsibility
in Child Custody Cases
Denver Child Custody Attorney

It is completely natural to be concerned about the well-being of your children on a daily basis. Unfortunately, this natural feeling of concern can be escalated to worry or anxiety in the midst of a legal custody matter during a divorce or marriage dissolution. The decisions that you and your former spouse make with the help of a family lawyer in Denver can have a lifelong emotional, psychological, and physical impact on your child.


Our founding Denver family law attorney, Sean Peek, has devoted many hours of his free time to serve children with physical disabilities. Having spent years volunteering at Camp Casey in Seattle, he knows from firsthand experience just how fragile, yet crucial, children’s interests are. He works tirelessly to protect children in the midst of complex family law cases involving custody issues, visitation, and allocation of parental responsibilities.

denver child custody

Call our Denver Family Lawyer for a Consultation

We at Peek Family Law, LLC proudly represent mothers and fathers through every stage of divorce and dissolution, including complicated family law issues that arise involving the interests of children. Make certain that your family is protected to the fullest extent of the law with help from skilled Denver child custody lawyers. We strive to keep your family out of the court, minimize involvement from a judge, and keep your costs and time as low as possible.

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denver child custody lawyers

Creating Parenting Plans that Work for You & Your Children

If parents cannot come to a mutually agreeable resolution regarding a parenting plan and the allocation of their parental responsibilities, the courts will intervene and make decisions on their behalf. For this reason, we always encourage our clients to act cooperatively with one another. Legal disputes are sometimes unavoidable, but in every case, we do everything in our ethical power to help make certain you keep your parental rights and honor the best interests of your children.

Does Colorado Use Joint Custody and Solo Custody?

In the state of Colorado, there is no joint or sole custody. Rather, Colorado uses the phrase “parental responsibility” which may be either joint or primary. Joint parental responsibility refers to a situation when you and your former spouse share overnight visitation with your child equally. One parent is considered to have primary parental responsibility if their former spouse shares less than 90 overnight visitations with the child.

Does Child Custody Affect Child Support?

While the decision concerning child custody may be a factor in determining support obligation, it is not the primary factor. In Colorado, child support is based on gross monthly income and other significant expenses.

What is a Parenting Plan?

A parenting plan is a specified plan that parents submit to the court that outlines factors such as parenting time, holiday visitations, and more. It’s required that both parents understand the terms that are in place for the official parenting plan.

child custody lawyer near me

When Determining which Parenting Arrangements are in the Best Interests of the Child, the Court may Consider Many Different Factors, Including:

  • The wishes of the parents and the child
  • Cars, boats, motorcycles, etc.
  • The parent’s ability to provide care for the child
  • The ability of the parents to cooperate or make collaborative decisions
  • The child’s interactions with parents, siblings, grandparents, or other important relationships
  • Any indicators of child abuse, child dependency and neglect, or
    possible abduction.


Our firm provides thorough, attentive, and driven representation for every case that we handle. When the stakes are high and your parenting, visitation, or custodial rights are in question, we work hard to protect your family and prevent future legal conflicts.

free case consultation

Contact Denver’s Top Child Custody Attorneys Today

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child custody case, do not hesitate to contact our Denver adoption attorneys at Peek Vasquez, LLC (formerly known as Peek Family Law, LLC). We can help you understand the type of custody that is possible, assess your legal options, review issues like visitation schedules, and find a solution that works for your family. Having an experienced and dedicated legal team on your side can make all the difference in what can
be a complex and frustrating, yet ultimately very important, process.


In addition to child custody cases, our Denver family law firm can represent you for a wide range of family law cases. These types of cases include divorce, adoptions, alimony, child support cases, mediation, and more.


Contact us or call our office at (303) 495-5757 to talk to an experienced child custody lawyer and schedule your consultation today.